Our Services
The ThetaHealing® Technique is a meditation training technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy for
improvement and evolvement of mind, body and spirit.
Theta Healing is a healing technique that works at the energetic, atomic level of our existence; and has been described as the practical application of quantum mechanics.
When you learn Theta Healing, you discover how to use the Theta Brainwave to reach a level of consciousness that allows you to change your emotional, mental, spiritual or physical reality instantaneously.
Theta Healing is a simple, practical, straight-forward technique that is easily learned and refined through repeated use. The more you use it, the more you develop your conscious awareness of the day to day things around you, as well as your unconscious consciousness of the intangible world.
A full and complete Feng Shui analysis of an apartment, house or an office involves careful on the spot inspection, measurement of dimensions and directions, and consultation with the occupants regarding their fortunes as reflected by their birth data. It requires detailed study of the physical environment, interior layout as well as fortune analysis of the people living in the environment. As such, it is difficult to provide remote feng shui services without site visit. However, it is not impossible to provide a professional opinion on a house without site inspection, provided that the following information are available:
A detailed sketch of the building showing its main entrances and main objects in its surroundings.
The approximate year of completion of construction of such building.
A floor plan of the apartment or unit within the building, showing the rough directions.
Accurate measurement of the direction of the FRONT of the building, accurate to the nearest degree.
Following the framework for self-excellence in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, MahaVastu helps you to live with more happiness, health, wealth, and excellence. MahaVastu facilitates learning Vedic architecture (Vastu Shastra) through short duration courses supported by intuitive MahaVastu acharyas at grassroot level.
In his research on Vedic Architecture (Vastu Shastra), Dr. Khushdeep Bansal discovered that directions are dominated by three Gunas (Rajas, Satva, Tamas) in a building. Varied compositions (5 elements) of these three Gunas give fixed attributes to 16 directions that govern 16 life aspects of habitants. This 4-Step MahaVastu methodology gives techniques and solutions to eradicate pain emerging from three domains of existence- self, environment and cosmos.
MahaVastu extends a helping hand to all, free from any discrimination based on country, ethnicity, caste, religion, class, status or gender.
Space Planning
A well-organized estate is one of the most thoughtful gifts you can leave your family.
Space planning is a fundamental element of the interior design process. It starts with an in-depth analysis of how the space is to be used. The designer then draws up a plan that defines the zones of the space and the activities that will take place in those zones.
The process of making a garden or other piece of land more attractive by altering the existing design, adding ornamental features, and planting trees and shrubs.
Access Bars
Access Bars® are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly, and easily release anything that stops you from feeling joy and ease in your life.
These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!
Our Services
Use of plant extract essential oils inhaled, used as a massage oil, or occasionally ingested (only under medical supervision).
Aromatherapy uses the volatile aromatic plant essences, known as essential oils, to treat ill-health and help maintain good health. Aromatherapy as used today originated in Europe and has been practiced here since the early 1900s. It is now finding popularity world-wide.
Essential oils are manufactured in the leaves of aromatic plants during the process of photosynthesis and then stored in a variety of places, such as in the flowers, leaves, fruit, seeds, etc, depending on the plant. They are extracted by a variety of methods, including distillation and expression. Each essential oil is made up of a unique mixture of chemical components which result in its individual therapeutic properties. Can be used to alleviate specific symptoms or as a relaxant.
Home and Lifestyle
According to experts, crystals act as a power hold for healing as they allow positive, fruitful energy to flow into the body and do away with the negative, toxic energy. Like other forms of alternative therapy, crystals work by channelizing your energy levels, thereby, focus on healing your body from the inside.
Integrative Nutrition
There is more to a healthy diet than just the food we put into our bodies. Simply changing your diet may not be enough to help you thrive if other areas of life are out of balance.
For example: you can eat brown rice and kale every day and go to the gym every evening, but if you’re stuck in an unfulfilling job or a toxic relationship, then you’re just not going to feel truly healthy and happy on a deeper level.
The difference lies between the Primary Food, and the Secondary Food, as well as Bio-Individuality.